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11/09/18 4:46 AM

#149134 RE: Mark-J #149118

Mark-J...You don't know me one iota. You assume but know what that means...ASS. I have a small, but meaningful (to me) position, in the grand scheme of things. 'If' these Fish Farms Do Exist, and they're Ours by rights and privilege, operational and productive, then there's a excellent likelihood of a exceptionally good outcome in the cards. Or, if they're playing games with us, but they end up buying out shareholders that too may give some of us long sufferers a big break, even though at the great expense of such previous long investors. These greed ridden manipulators in here, the corrupted ones such as the dirt-bag promoters all should get their just dues, as Karma is often a Nasty BITCH on serious steroids. M-J, just how have you benefited from being here all this here time as the self proclaimed 'voice of reason'? Are you are a public service announcement company, or are you one of these stealth wolves in sheep's clothing? I know that question will never be truly answered by u nor rightfully received by us if it were to be due to the chasm in the landscape of naysayers and staunch believers along the wobbly but still standing crew of long-suffers holding on by just a thread these days. Heck I'm one of those as my few thousand$ invested here over the many years has really pained and hurt to lose, especially on missed out lost opportunity costs elsewhere while this has depreciated immensely. It's been an ongoing nightmarish drain, but I have little to no choice but to still hold onto hope for the betterment of this entire situation. I'm not entirely blinded, although I'm hurt by the confusion, the controversy, and of course the loss of value of my investment. However the most costly is the time it's taken off my life. However a good initial story such as this one usually gets bites, and still to date the underlying premise of the company and it's mission still holds water in my book, and that's what brought me here in the first place, I was unwary of the potential for such blatant mismanagement and such share destruction. No matter it's still by any and all metrics except for the wildcards and the history to date well undervalued, although it seem to not matter to anyone, as the dilution scam as you refer to it has continued unabated, or so it seems. Yet the band still plays... and the fat lady has yet to sing... there's even debate as to if she's even in the house, or if she were as to her affliction with laryngitis.