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Value Catalyst

11/08/18 2:43 PM

#777 RE: Pandemonium75 #776

Still not scared. Chiang has a good history of paying off fees owed to the state and restoring the company’s charter to active.

Once this happens, the niche trader group how closely follow these state filings/reinstatement’s, etc. will hop on, along with their friends, spread the word about it, and we’ll be off to a penny—at least. All IMHO

There’s a few sites that do this for investors like and a lot of individual traders who closely monitor these changes in state filings/status to trade around it. So if the order being granted didn’t move this, that sure will; just like sr_dp did when it became active on nvsos if you remember that one. Only difference here is $CNHC’s Float is less the half of that ones...I like our odds. Just need to be a little bit more patient.

$CNHC Penny or bust!