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#11738 RE: solidgold #11729

O/T: Solidg, in case you have some spare change to toss around...

EAGM getting ready to make it's move....$0.0035
IPKL moving back up $0.0013
AUGC bounces back and forth from $0.0001-$0.0002 (I got 60M of this one as a lark all at $0.0001, looking for a big pop in the near future....never had 60M shares of any stock before, haha!)

#11746 RE: solidgold #11729

O/T: Hey solidg, definitely back in the GREEN again on RSHN...

NOW that they have retired 2B shares and are thinking about retiring more, the pps could easily get to $0.03 with a $100M market cap, not uncommon for these pinkies.

But where do you expect this stock to go and by when?