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11/05/18 7:50 PM

#113357 RE: hokus pokus #113355

Hoky - I'm not sure i disagree with you but you are as clear as mud. I'm not asking for an explanation either, all good. I think we all know there is some risk in play here. I appreciate all of the negatives, positives and different ways of looking at things.

I just remembered that i had to be holding shares back in October even to consider this RO deal, makes me think that the shares trading lately belong to short hands so to speak... or people selling out to buy warrants? Well, it is all about to stop - Nov 8th for me, broker needs 4 days to play with my money before Nov 12th.

Still not sure i am willing to pay an extra $.0004 to have the option to buy in the future, seems silly in a way because it is such a small amount.
Current price $.0116+.0004=$.0120 (warrant price).

Say BigBoy bought 1M warrants at $.0120 instead of market right now, difference is a paltry $400 yet BigBoy would gain the right to buy possibly another 1M - 500k at $.0180 and 500k at $.0240, or not. As the price goes up this is no longer chump change... Drinks are on Stroke when and if this takes off. Opinions are like a lot of things, everyone has one.