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11/05/18 8:13 AM

#148614 RE: zerohedge #148607

That's why it's important we give facts and real information about this company.

Cooked books, unfulfilled promises, no cash, no harvests, no clients.

These are the true FACTS, the company has heavy marketing in the internet. IMHO there just can't be that many active promoters and believers when all promises have been betrayed and it's down from $18 to $0,33 with heavy dilution on. Why would you promote the thing that hurt you?

True shareholders would be screaming them to stop dilution and take no excuses, many of the internet promoters just want to make excuses and hide dilution under the rug... That makes no sense, it's like helping someone to steal from yourself.
The other illogical thing with the promoters is not demanding asset sales.
Selling 10% of the assets at 50% discount the company would receive cash amount 3 times their market value! =D
The promoters must know it's all fake, so they don't demand it even it is very easy and fast solution to all "problems".

This whole thing stinks to high heaven and it is important thet we give the real deal so the promoters promises and speculations don't overpower common sense.

when someone has a grasp of the english language and understand "promotional scam involving third party assets" claimed by "cooperative joint ventures with no legal claim to said assets" they know what we know. telling people to sell from around 10 bucks to 33 cents and the "believers" are still acting like it's the steal of the century. never mind.... keep that volume and conversions coming. only 200,000,000 shares left to print.... conservatively speaking.


11/05/18 2:17 PM

#148634 RE: zerohedge #148607

Who is this "we" that you always mention?
You often talk about yourself in plural.