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11/02/18 10:58 PM

#94652 RE: stoner422 #94649

significant leap to take that I never have. But if you feel strongly enough that WEED/CGC is strong enough and you can afford the investment (or more)and you can weather another possible 20% - 30% retrace on no news or numbers and win then you are my hero. As is always the mantra... only risk what you can afford to lose. Margin may take you to the basement that you never knew was there. Long this thing and make a million. turn loose of the thought that you could have copped another 500k on margin is my recommendation.

If GOD forbid Bruce is hit by a truck in Australia or in a plane crash on the way back and dies...then what? You have no control over anything. Not the market or the shit that life throws at you with the Canopy pps. My offerings is to invest what you can afford to lose and in my estimation your investment will most likely triple in 5 years. Margin is obviously a roll of the dice. For me it's too early in the game to engage. After February and May numbers turn out to be killers... then you have enough equity on the initial investment to let'er run baby.

Then we know this horse is a thoroughbred that will kick ass at will. Margin all you like.....only my opinion
There are others here more qualified than I that will give you more reliable insight on where we are and where we may be going than I
...all the best to you stoner


11/03/18 12:07 AM

#94655 RE: stoner422 #94649

This is what ya' do if ya' think it'll BOUNCE here.....

Ya' purchase :

Or if ya' think it'll be higher IN APRIL than it is now, ya' purchase the April 37.50 Calls for $ 820 dollars

Did I say 810 here ?....I meant 820 (see table above)

You also have the choice until the given expiry dates,
TO EXERCISE your right to buy at 37.50

And that's what ya' could (choose to) do if it looked like you was right, and it looked like it was continuing to head up long-term and ya' just wanted to hold shares instead of selling (the doubled) option.

You can "lock in" that 37.50 price.....up until April 18th

You can "lock in" The Slick Blue Line !,,,,,nw 2018

Ain't it great how options work ?


11/03/18 1:03 AM

#94660 RE: stoner422 #94649

Stoner please tell me what brokerage firm you use because I have Fidelity and although I’m approved for margin CGC is one of a handful of stocks that they will not allow to be bought on margin.


11/03/18 10:43 AM

#94672 RE: stoner422 #94649

Legal rec and the STZ safety net solid floor

And/or actually, THIS is what occurred I think : Correct me if I'm wrong

At any rate, THIS here is partially how I have been seeing things :

Not that any of this helps !