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10/31/18 7:59 AM

#145161 RE: WebSlinger #145160


You do realize that Kraigs dealings with the military are highly successful. We have created a fibre using the second phase of the tiny $million dollar contract to give them a fiber that they WANT...

Do you realize exactly what this means?

This means a new massive contract will soon be established to produce these SUCCESSFUL materials. DO YOU HAVE ANY CLUE JUST HOW BIG A DEAL THIS IS?????

“When the Army chose to award the second phase of this project we knew that we were given a great opportunity to prove the power of our technology and our approach using silkworms,” said COO, Jon Rice. “Today we’re thrilled to announce that our work was a success and that we now have a line of silkworms that produce a recombinant spider silk better matched for the demands of protective textile applications.”

The army (military) can use this materials for everything they use fibre for...parachute,tents,clothing and everything in between.....

“We expect this new strain will play a critical role in our expansion and commercialization of spider silk far beyond the market for bullet proof vests.”


10/31/18 8:54 AM

#145164 RE: WebSlinger #145160

create more shares of KBLB

Probably this.

I figure he could have raked in $200K in this share massacre to "keep the lights on" and maybe to keep the hired help from jumping the concertina wire. Enough to get him through the end of the year or until a fresh contract from the Army, whichever comes first.

Those unlimited authorized sure do come in handy!


10/31/18 1:23 PM

#145179 RE: WebSlinger #145160

"If someone tried to tell a financial institution that KBLB has a product"

they would tell them they have a product because they do..the fiber is the product...they sell it to whomever wants to make something with it..kblb's product is the fiber...they have fiber...thus they have a product..

kblb doesn't make gloves, shirts, bullet proof vests or anything else..

financial institutions don't want their money back...they want their money back with want to make it sound like they will only loan money to those who have no need of

the simple fact of the matter is, people get loans because they don't have the money they think this concept has escaped the financial institutions?..the higher the risk, the higher the interest rate...

you think no one ever defaults on credit cards?..they the tune of billions of dollars...not to mention billiobs of dollars lost in fraud...yet the banks keep handing them out like candy on Halloween..

guess why?....because they can eat the losses and still make billions of dollars..

the banks aren't afraid to spend money to make money...that's what they do!