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10/26/18 10:31 AM

#147905 RE: RealDutch #147904

Nah, I was talking about after the distribution. They better back it up and stop dilution now. Solomon is such an idiot for issue shares after the trw announcement
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10/26/18 1:43 PM

#147911 RE: RealDutch #147904

did you sell your position again and everything turned dark all of a sudden?

And what about you RD, you must be all in since you seem to believe that Siaf is heading for 2$? You used to be a bit more realistic. You would normally not accept to settle debt with shares valued at p/e 10 when it at the very same moment trades for p/e 0,1 at the market. Not to many would, thats why Siaf never takes off (besides all dumping going on).