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10/21/18 5:50 PM

#245733 RE: loanranger #245730

I'll take your last question as a learning opportunity since I was also curious about that. ;)

Definition of rodential
: of or relating to the Rodentia

rodential - One who resembles a rodent.

rodential (comparative more rodential, superlative most rodential)

In Reply to 'loanranger'
How did they stop the mice from swallowing or spitting out the pouches from their positions ensconsed in the rodential cheeks (I can picture them trying to work the things loose with their little rodential tongues, turning them into little B spitballs) and is rodential a real word or did you just now make it up?

Cassius Longinus

10/21/18 6:54 PM

#245739 RE: loanranger #245730

They soaked them in Skoal, makes the mice sick if they swallow them, but addictive enough that they keep them in. :)


10/21/18 9:20 PM

#245752 RE: loanranger #245730

No clue how they stopped mice from swallowing or biting. Furthermore, I really, really don't want to know.

rodential = rodent like, or mouse like
typical usage: "Mr. X looked rodential"