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r clarke

10/21/18 12:05 PM

#78374 RE: Travis Crider #78372

Where did she say that?

I was pointing out that the reasoning why NDAs were needed was a bit weak. I even directly quoted her which I'll do again.

She stated "Although you make some very good points, NF there is one obstacle that is the critical reason HCT's partners insist on an NDA and why this practice will continue:

For a company to reveal that they have new product that uses little or no 'isocyanates' in its manufacturing processes is to admit that formerly, it did, in fact use toxic ingredients quite possibly hazardous enough to cause cancer or death...thus opening up that company to $millions in lawsuits. "

Wasnt referring to anything to do with advertising, but if you used her reasoning, you wouldnt advertise it being iso free?

Dont see the reasoning, being free of isocyanates will eventually be a
big selling point.

"Sharp is right. There is a difference between isos listed in an sds and the advertising it's iso free in big letter on supply containers"