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11/01/06 11:12 AM

#50533 RE: StephanieVanbryce #50495

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11/01/06 11:36 AM

#50537 RE: StephanieVanbryce #50495

Dying to Save the GOP Congress..

By Frank Rich
The New York Times
Sunday 29 October 2006

If you happened to be up around dawn on Tuesday,
you could witness the death rattle of our adventure in Iraq
live on CNN. Zalmay Khalilzad, the American ambassador,
and Gen. George W. Casey Jr., the American commander,
were making new promises from the bunker of the Green Zone,
inspiring about as much confidence as Jackie Gleason
and Art Carney hatching a get-rich-quick scheme
to sell a kitchen gadget on "The Honeymooners."

"Success in Iraq is possible and can be achieved
on a realistic timetable," said Mr. Khalilzad. Iraq can be
"in a very good place in 12 months," said General Casey.
Even a child could see how much was wrong with this picture.

If there really is light at the end of the tunnel, why after three
and a half years can't we yet guarantee light in Baghdad?
Symbolically enough, television transmission of the
Khalilzad-Casey press conference was interrupted
by another of the city's daily power failures.

If Iraq's leaders had signed on to the 12-month plan of "benchmarks"
the Americans advertised, why were those leaders nowhere in sight?
We found out one day later, when the prime minister, Nuri al-Maliki,
mocked the very idea of an America-imposed timetable.
"I am positive that this is not the official policy of the American govt.,
but rather a result of the ongoing election campaign,"
he said, adding dismissively, "And that does not concern us much."

Give the Iraqi leader credit for a Borat-like candor
that almost every American in this sorry tale lacks.
Of course all the White House's latest jabberwocky about
"benchmarks" and "milestones" and "timetables"
(never to be confused with those Defeatocrats' "timelines")
is nothing more than an election-year P.R. strategy,
as is the laughable banishment of "stay the course."

There is no new American plan to counter the apocalypse
now playing out in Iraq, only new packaging to pacify American
voters between now and Nov. 7. And recycled packaging at that:

President Bush had last announced that
he and Mr. Maliki were developing "benchmarks"
to "measure progress" in Iraq back in June.

As Richard Holbrooke, the broker of the Bosnia peace accords,
has observed, the only real choice left for the president now is either
"escalation or disengagement." But there are no troops,
let alone money or national will, for escalation.

Disengagement within a year, however, is favored by
54 percent of Americans and, more important,
71 percent of Iraqis. After Election Day, adults in Washington
will step in, bow to the obvious and pull the plug.

The current administration strategy
- praying for a miracle - is not an option.
The current panacea favored by anxious
Republican Congressional candidates
- firing Donald Rumsfeld - is too little, too late.

The adults in charge of disengagement will include the Bush family
consigliere, James Baker, whose bipartisan Iraq Study Group
will present its findings after the election, and John Warner,
the Senate Armed Services Committee chairman, who has promised
a re-evaluation of Iraq policy within roughly the same time frame.
Democrats will have a role in direct proportion
to the clout they gain in the midterms.

One way or another the various long-shot exit scenarios
being debated in the capital will be sorted out:
federalism and partition; reaching out somehow
for help from Iran and Syria;
replacing Mr. Maliki with a Saddam-lite strongman.

There will be some kind of timeline, or whatever you want to call it,
with enforced benchmarks, or whatever you want to call them,
for phased withdrawal. (Read "Out of Iraq: A Practical Plan
for Withdrawal Now" by George McGovern and William R. Polk
for a particularly persuasive blueprint.)In any event,
the timeline will end no later than Inauguration Day 2009.

In keeping with the political cynicism that gave birth to this war
and has recklessly prolonged it, the only ones being kept in the dark
about this inevitable denouement are our fighting men and women.
They remain trapped, dying in accelerating numbers in a civil war
that is now killing so many Iraqi civilians that Mr. Maliki this month
ordered his health ministry to stop releasing any figures.

Our troops are held hostage by the White House's
political imperatives as much as they are by the violence.
Desperate to maintain the election-year P.R. ruse
that an undefined "victory" is still within reach,
Mr. Bush went so far at Wednesday's press conference
as to say that "absolutely, we're winning" in Iraq.

He explained his rationale to George Stephanopoulos
last weekend, when he asserted that the number of casualties
was the enemy's definition of success or failure, not his.
"I define success or failure as to whether or not the Iraqis
will be able to defend themselves," the president said, and
"as to whether the unity government" is making the
"difficult decisions necessary to unite the country."

Unfortunately, the war is a calamity by both
of those definitions as well. The American command's
call for a mere 3,000 more Iraqi troops
to help defend Baghdad has gone unanswered.
As we've learned from Operation Together Forward,
when Iraqis do stand up, violence goes up.

And when American and British troops
stand down, murderous sectarian militias, some of them
allied with that "unity" government, fill the vacuum,
taking over entire cities like Amara and Balad in broad daylight.

As for those "difficult decisions"
Mr. Bush regards as so essential, the Iraqi govt's. policy is cut and run.
Mr. Maliki is not cracking down on rampaging militias
but running interference for their kingpin, Moktada al-Sadr.

Mr. Maliki treats this anti-American Shiite cleric, his political ally,
with far more deference than he shows the American president.

The ultimate chutzpah is that Mr. Bush, the man who sold us
Saddam's imminent mushroom clouds and "Mission Accomplished,"
is trivializing the chaos in Iraq as propaganda.

The enemy's "sophisticated" strategy, he said in last weekend's
radio address, is to distribute "images of violence" to television networks,
Web sites and journalists to "demoralize our country."

This is a morally repugnant argument. The "images of violence"
from Iraq are not fake - like, say, the fiction our government
manufactured about the friendly-fire death of Pat Tillman
or the upbeat news stories the Pentagon spends
millions of dollars planting in Iraqi newspapers today.

These images of violence are real. Americans really are dying at the
fastest pace in at least a year,& Iraqis in the greatest numbers to date.
To imply that this carnage is magnified by the news media,
whether the American press or Al Jazeera, is to belittle the gravity
of the escalated bloodshed and to duck accountability
for the mismanagement of the war.

Mr. Bush's logic is reminiscent of Jeffrey Skilling's obtuse view
of his innocence in the Enron scandal, though at least Mr. Skilling
has been held accountable for the wreckage of lives on his watch.

It is also wrong to liken what's going on now, as Mr. Bush has,
to the Tet offensive. That sloppy Vietnam analogy was first made
by Mr. Rumsfeld in June 2004 to try to explain away
the explosive rise in the war's violence at that time.

It made a little more sense then, since both the administration
and the American public were still being startled by the persistence
of the Iraq insurgency, much as the Johnson administration
and Walter Cronkite were by the Viet Cong's tenacity in 1968.

Before Tet, as Stanley Karnow's history, "Vietnam," reminds us,
public approval of L.B.J.'s conduct of the war
still stood at 40 percent, yet to hit rock bottom.

Where we are in Iraq today is not 1968 but 1971,
after the bottom had fallen out, Johnson had abdicated
and America had completely turned on Vietnam.
At that point, approval of Richard Nixon's handling of the war
was at 34 percent, comparable to Mr. Bush's current 30.

The percentage of Americans who thought the Vietnam War
was "morally wrong" stood at 51, comparable to the 58 percent
who now think the Iraq war was a mistake. Many other Vietnam
developments in 1971 have their counterparts in 2006:

the leaking of classified Pentagon reports revealing inept
and duplicitous war policy, White House demonization of the press,
the joining of moderate Republican senators with Democrats
to press for a specific date for American withdrawal.

That's why it seemed particularly absurd when, in his interview
with Mr. Stephanopoulos last weekend, Mr. Bush said that
"the fundamental question" Americans must answer is
"should we stay?" They've been answering that question
loud and clear for more than a year now.

What we should be thinking about instead are our obligations to those
who are doing the staying. Kevin Tillman, who served with his brother
in Iraq and Afghanistan, observed in an angry online essay this month:

"Somehow back at home, support for the soldiers meant
having a 5-year-old kindergartener scribble a picture with crayons
and send it overseas, or slapping stickers on cars,
or lobbying Congress for an extra pad in a helmet."

If we really support the troops, we'll move past Mr. Bush's
"fundamental question" to one from 1971 posed
by a 27-year-old Vietnam veteran, John Kerry,
before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee:

"How do you ask a man to be the last man to Die for a Mistake?"