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10/19/18 1:58 PM

#112899 RE: pxxpy7 #112898

PHOT also has 132 million dollars of accumulated debt.


10/19/18 2:06 PM

#112900 RE: pxxpy7 #112898

Well SAID! $


10/19/18 2:45 PM

#112902 RE: pxxpy7 #112898

How many "big whale investors" are currently invested in PHOT? How long has PHOT been trading? Why does debt accumulate with no increase in stock price, instead, management declares rediculous pay raises for themselves?


10/19/18 2:49 PM

#112903 RE: pxxpy7 #112898

Also are you saying closed corporations cannot be successful if they don't trade on open markets? And why else would there be an OTC maybe the if there was no way of accumulating capital and revenue. Are you saying all 100 plus thousand companies that trade on OTC are doomed and will never be successful in this market if they choose to stay here?

hokus pokus

10/19/18 4:38 PM

#112912 RE: pxxpy7 #112898

Yes what you say is true ;BUT does MH intend to make shareholders flourish
or himself . The present shareholders are having their $$ and LONG tolerance erased and giving the NEW investors after R?S the ability to takeover . HE will be sitting OK -the new BONUS structure insures that -

he gets new shares at old price -if it doesn't work he is still getting

$275,000 @yr and BENNIES HE will PUSH IT as far as he can ,until he can't

push it anymore -for whatever reason that occurs -that is the NATURE

of the SCAM part of corporate finance.