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10/18/18 11:56 AM

#34555 RE: drugmanrx #34554

I noticed the absence of the cash flow positive re-iteration and I think that is because they are spending so much on other projects which he was hoping to put off until after the profitable half year but they cannot sit idly by while others enter the market.

In the Q3 results they have to detail not just revenue/margin/loss numbers for accounting rules but the units installed and not et invoiced and the Q4 numbers expected.
they need to indicate the profitability of the actual business excluding R&D. They were doing $13m R&D and if they can show that level opf profit for the half I will be happy

I feel they may be spending $20m or more in Q3 and Q4 on R&D ites such as the aquisition costs of AFC, the new manufacturing/storage facility the FedEx roll out (not paid for), the pilot units for their #3 mega deal and for Amazon collaboration, the University project for auto refueling of UGV.

Just show a healthy bottom line covering the SG&A and contributing to the R&D and the market will be ecstatic, especially if you show the 2019 and 2020 delivery requirements for Walmart and Amazon by # of DC's and # of genDrives required. $1.2 Billion of orders is a lot of equipment