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Bionic Man

10/18/18 9:30 AM

#175818 RE: thor4128 #175816

I’ve already asked myself those same questions. As much as Tom likes to brag about his accomplishments, one would think that it would be easy for at least one person to back him that he knows. Im just waiting like everyone else for some shit your pants / wipe your ass REAL news.


10/18/18 2:26 PM

#175826 RE: thor4128 #175816

Tom worked for these folks and it doesn't mean they like him. Fact, I have three mentees who have gone on to start companies. They worked hard for me but in no way would I invest as they can't sell me on their long term goals. 2 failed and the other is coasting. For me I saw them as good workers not investable entrepreneurs.


10/18/18 3:57 PM

#175829 RE: thor4128 #175816

Maybe they see him as a no-brain, egotistical conman like many here already know him as. Maybe they also see his history of two RS and borrowing of toxic funding and wouldnt touch this with a 20 ft pole. Maybe he is the butt of all jokes and snickering when he walks in the room. "Here comes the Admiral...". This is all in my own honest opinion of course.


10/18/18 5:13 PM

#175830 RE: thor4128 #175816

Cellucci is a sociopath/conman - it is very likely he has a incredibly long list of employers. He seems to wear out his welcome pretty quickly.

Notice, none of his claimed government connections ever helped land a contract or provided assistance in obtaining conventional financing.

"20 Characteristics of a Sociopath

Fun, charming and entertaining. Super polite when meeting people.

Display impressive knowledge or skill at something – it proves to be limited or fake.

Have primal perception; later it’s scary, they seem to know our minds like telepathy.

Are easily offended. They fluster and bluster when offended and lash out.

Lie always. About all things – .01% of what they say might be true – like their shoe size.

Believe they’re better than everyone – and hold others in contempt.

Crave a good reputation. Defend their reputation with outrageous lies – see #5.

Crave status & power via possessions & money – yet exist at any level of society.

Have delusions of fame and importance – though they might live in the Metro station.

Mimic our authentic emotions & sincerity – mimic any & all of our positive emotions.

Have no capacity for care, concern or love. They are faking it. They imitate us.

Think of themselves as victims. They can cry fake tears at the drop of a hat.

Are sexually promiscuous and often simultaneously avoid sex with a primary partner.

Do any horrible, illegal or immoral thing they want to do to absolutely anyone.

Think their prey should be grateful.

Take pride in their scams. Run several scams simultaneously. Many women; many men.

Believe everyone deserves what they do to them.

Smear their victims when things end: loudly, publicly, online and in court.

Have outbursts of rage. Can be violent. Talk about killing themselves or dying.

Know they are monsters – and enjoy it."

Certainly sounds like Cellucci is a sociopath.



10/18/18 10:17 PM

#175842 RE: thor4128 #175816

You're half way there... You asked yourself the "why" but never thought to ask why the information you require cannot be found. *shrugs*