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Ole Broke Azz

10/17/18 7:28 PM

#107408 RE: rcaselli #107407

so November of 2015 was correct

and they are committed to developing their business plan without the issuance of stock until they aren't

at this point it is more than obvious that the Powder River Basin is a failure... after all it doesn't take three years to bring a productive well on line

The silence about the Washington grow speaks for itself and sooner or later the company will not be able to meet interest obligations on the meager revenues coming in

Bonsai 1

10/17/18 7:38 PM

#107409 RE: rcaselli #107407

Thanks for checking into that. I appreciate the facts. Sometimes I want that we know more factual information, but I’ll take what I can get. Don’t care for the opinion based comments here (whether bullish or bearish). Thanks again


10/19/18 1:50 PM

#107434 RE: rcaselli #107407

truly a long term strategy by CGRA. as i wrote in my earlier post about having patience, real deals take time , and by not diluting, this company has shown its ability to think long term. As i stated in my previous post, real companies take time and effort that most have no understanding of!! i truly believe that!!