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10/17/18 11:49 AM

#33549 RE: madprophet #33548

I think it's funny that the post starts with "It's all spelled out here" and then followed with 2 pages of legal mumbo jumbo that a lot of us can't decipher. Not that the language is that hard or that we're morons, just that we aren't used to looking at that kind of stuff. That's like me putting the below code in front of you legal guys and saying "what do you mean you don't understand what the code is saying? it's all spelled out right there!".

class MyRender

MyRender(HWND parent)
renderer = vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderer>::New();
_render = vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindow>::New();

interactor = vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindowInteractor>::New();

//setting background
renderer->SetBackground(0.1, 0.2, 0.4);

void Render()
//...more methods


10/17/18 12:37 PM

#33552 RE: madprophet #33548

The language is always so dense, I think it's helpful for non-lawyers to simplify, delineate, and pull out smaller pieces if we can - like with the 11 process issues.