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roger wilco

10/17/18 10:35 PM

#543 RE: RamsnastyMcBickle #542

Word on the street is that legacy shareholders from the Evans brewing days have liquidated there way out of $IONI in the last few trading sessions.

No way to verify the rumor but the volume had to come from some where and I sincerely doubt new I-On investors would have liquidated at such low prices.

Kinda makes sense to me. If this is all true the negative price resistance looks to maybe have finally been dissipated and the share price can finally start to build to proper valuation.

This is the first volume since the reverse triangular merger that has provided an opportunity for legacy shareholders to exit and cash out.

~dilly dilly


10/18/18 1:47 PM

#545 RE: RamsnastyMcBickle #542
