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10/16/18 12:48 AM

#8223 RE: BuddyLou #8218

Wow- IMUN really knows how to botch PR and investor confidence, don't they? Are we sure they are not manufacturing a plague over there? 'Cause they workin' real hard at scaring all investors off.

BTW no one should be concerned about sharing negative sentiments- this turned into a sewer stock the moment NG went silent and ran the price down in the toilet. only sewer rules will run it up. doesn't matter what anyone thinks of it at present. So i'm just lookin at what stinky angle she's conjuring.

There is no sound legit reason to run a pub company like this other than leading up to some shady chit. we might see a pump run of some sort- but for that they may actually need a "consultant" to help drive it. And I'm not sure of that since there are relatively few shares to use for massive movement of price. -And- Since they are so bad at PR, no toxic lender would bother entering into a money-for-shares deal. No retail to sell converted shares to would be suicide for the lender.

We'll just have to wait-n-see.