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SV Solar Surge

10/15/18 12:29 PM

#22490 RE: sidsaldanha #22489

YnK,you never know LoL so going in for a bit more try to take these 18z out. Once we get above 20z this time 30z should surface soon after.



10/15/18 12:39 PM

#22492 RE: sidsaldanha #22489

Forgot one minor thing, ABWN is planning another R/S soon. Remember,I warned 2 months in advance of last one and everyone laughed and ridiculed me, till it happened. lol Flipping pennies 101 folks. Most get married to the stock and believe all the false PRs and hype and always ride the stock back down. Then they always post how the PPS is going to fly again but almost NEVER does. Stocks that go from over $2.80 to sub penny, Houston "we have a problem". lol