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10/14/18 1:07 AM

#373159 RE: Zorax #373158

Somehow, I wood knot be surprised if DaMentallyIllFoleyFelon had gone "Weekend With Bernie" ... errr ... "Years With Beanie" and, like Norman Bates' mother in Psycho, ole Bruce was in the guest house in a rocking chair, undisturbed for months or years, covered in dust, while DaFoleyFelon drained Beaner's bank accunt every munff when the SS autodeposit hit the 'B.B.' Czeching account.

Remember the 'B.B.' bank account from the Ultracade scam? I had thought that may have been DaDaveyFelon's DJ buddy, butt now I wonder if it was Bruce Bean's name abbreviated on that account that Daddona made his deposits to as the funnel to DaDaveyFelon from counterfeit keyfob pirated game sales on eBay.

I'll have to make shure that Countrywide Bank, if their sealed bid executes, makes shure to add "Bruce L. Bean or his Earthly remains" to the eviction paperwork for 311 Santa Rosa.

Wouldn't want the new owners to find Bruce in a rocking chair in the guest house covered in dust.

DaFoleyFelon is such a creepy-crawler nutjob, I would put little past him if he sees a way to squeeze munny from it. Heck, Bruce may have simply 'disappeared' - I can see DaFoleyFelon throwing that as an excuse to DaCops.

Might be a good idea to have the Los Gatos poleece pay a welfare Czech on ole Brucie at 311 and make shure he's doin' OK.

"Officer, we haven't seen Bruce in years. He packed up and left one day without telling us. He used to talk about wanting to visit Best Buys all over the country in search of the elusive NP-1. Anyway, he's long gone. No need to check the guest house."