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10/13/18 6:02 PM

#14871 RE: midtownmurphy #14870

When you produce fraudulent student files and your partners find out about it, they have every right to cut ties with you. Virginia never collected a dime. Her father's initial investment was returned to him when all parties involved decided it was the right thing to do. STAY TUNED


10/13/18 6:07 PM

#14872 RE: midtownmurphy #14870

They are all still friends and hang out together. She knew she did wrong when she was caught in the companies self audit. NEXT! Let's play!


10/13/18 6:09 PM

#14873 RE: midtownmurphy #14870

Speaking of doing wrong ... Are you sure you want to go down this path. I'm about done as are many of the investors here.


10/13/18 6:14 PM

#14874 RE: midtownmurphy #14870

I think you'll find out that when it comes to Steven Lawrence Brickner, he is a stand up honest guy with a huge heart. AKA 1st voice ... 7 years of devoted charity work with children during their most critical time of need.


10/13/18 6:59 PM

#14877 RE: midtownmurphy #14870

It's amazing what the right amount of due diligence will uncover....
Mr. Robert A. Hainey (aka Midtownmurphy) isn't it you who said Steven Lawrence Brickner was out of money and he wouldn't get the filings done? ... What is your position on that statement now? ... Mr. Hainey, what exactly is your contention for Mr. Brickner? ... Did he take money from you? ... Did he physically harm you? ... Did he hurt your feelings when he wasn't such an easy mark? ... Did you and Robert Esposito present to Mr. Brickner and his partners a consulting agreement to take them public? ... Did you then produce and submit fake documents that alleged you owned the controlling interest in All Soft Gels and Start Scientific? ... Did you try to get Brickner and his partners to pay you $400,000 and $250,000(+) respectively, when in fact you didn't own the companies at all? ... Did you represent that you owned Stop Pain, Canna Relief and Lucid?... Did you also represent that you had paid millions to be the sponsor on the trunks of Floyd Mayweather before his last title fight? ... Did you and R. Esposito represent you were attorneys when in fact you were not attorneys? ... You didn't own a single company mentioned above ... You didn't have the right to represent them ... You tried to scam Brickner and his partners out of their money ... You and R. Esposito received $60,000 from Mr. Brickner's group ...  You claimed this was a down payment towards owning Start Scientific ... You tried the same scam with a company called Momentum Nutra and defrauded them out of money as well ... Mr. Hainey, shame on you and your partner(s) in crime ...


10/13/18 6:59 PM

#14878 RE: midtownmurphy #14870

Did Steven Brickner scam ROBERT A HAINEY or was Brickner the one who was scammed? Still waiting on you to tell me the connection(s) between SB and ROBERT A HAINEY. Who exactly is ROBERT A HAINEY in your words since you know so much about Brickner, as you have so said, but you are speechless about ROBERT A HAINEY. Please explain sir, we all want to know what ROBERT A HAINEY and Brickner have in common.


10/13/18 6:59 PM

#14879 RE: midtownmurphy #14870

Mr. Brickner and his partners own their companies ... They have worked hard to accomplish what you could only dream to ... Mr. Brickner's investors are his partners; they run the businesses and participate in all the recorded weekly conference calls? ... There is black and white proof of what you attempted; whereas you have nothing but a bunch of talk about nothing ... You and R. Esposito are about to get served ... I am not talking about volleyball or the tongue lashing I just gave you either ... Well at least you bought some STSC stock; you'll have some cash flow to make a run for the border ... Oh snap!! ... You claim to be a wiseman, who would never buy into such a scam ... Well, good news then, you'll be required to come back to Florida for your court proceedings ... And as opposed to wandering the halls looking for Mr. Brickner, he'll be right in front of you, as the plaintiff! ... If you'd like to continue to play "the pot calling the kettle black", STAY TUNED, I've got much more! TIC TOC ... Now people have a truthful picture of what led you to defame Mr. Bricker ... I suggest your current accomplices in crime stay clear of you; I know R. Esposito had no problem turning his back on you ... You'll do the same when the heat gets turned up ... Is there no honor among thieves?