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10/10/18 6:33 PM

#244475 RE: DaubersUP #244474

The problem with your theory is that science continues to stall as the PPS/market cap decline. Zero new trial starts in 2018... B/P/K are 2 years behind where they should be because Leo failed to secure proper financing or find a partner. So now, with a stock price near zero and a few million in the bank a partner will magically sign? The science being so great has been fantasy land. Leo has a few more months to prove his stock price wrong.
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10/10/18 6:40 PM

#244476 RE: DaubersUP #244474

Great effort Daubers. I'm hunkering down while the jerry are bombing the b..j…. out of us. Churchill will rescue us and the savage short fud muckers are defeated. We send the shovel sh packing to the tune of ' itler 'as only got one 'all 'imler has something similar but 'oebbels has no 'alls at all.
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10/10/18 6:47 PM

#244478 RE: DaubersUP #244474

D-UP 411 best recap of events since June 29th I've seen yet. SP sucks but game is hardly over as some are suggesting.
Leo miscalculated funds needed and time-frame which has cost the company and its shareholder's.
However it now appears that both the funds and time horizon are now in order.
Daubers I like the possibilities leading up to November conference.
Funding was critical , leo stated he was looking for sources in his last p/r and delivered.
Now if they can follow through and meet the other stated objectives market will take notice
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10/10/18 6:52 PM

#244480 RE: DaubersUP #244474

A superb post Daubers and stickied !.....Its a grind to all investors and the total disconnect to a pressured pps valuation ...
I truly believe IPIX management brings it all grand slam style to the loyal following .....the science , the patience , the focus , the immense opportunities as a staked shareholder !!!.....It was said here earlier many a time :» WHO WOULD PONY UP 10 MILLION DOLLARS IN IPIX TO INVEST IN THERE FUTURE IF NOT BRIGHT AND WIDE EYES OPEN ???.......time for a cold brew,tryz

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10/10/18 7:39 PM

#244489 RE: DaubersUP #244474

All lame justification to support a failed CEO - including creating a new fake date in calendar

“*Milestone D-Day passes - Sept 31st. “

IPIX will be successful when we reach this date.
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10/10/18 8:25 PM

#244498 RE: DaubersUP #244474

Excellent recap, DaubersUP. Thanks.
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10/10/18 10:07 PM

#244511 RE: DaubersUP #244474

With a post like that you need a disclaimer...”This is neither an offer to sell...”

Now where can I get me some of those 0.238 shares?
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10/11/18 8:35 AM

#244546 RE: DaubersUP #244474

The diluted share count (which is the effective share count for a company is successful) is 55 million shares higher than this. Like other tech sectors, biotech tends to have lots of options and convertible shares. You have to read the 10-Q/K's. Stay focused everyone and do good DD!