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10/10/18 12:10 AM

#1041 RE: Solar_Express #1040

More stuff from the land of PP's

When I watch a trump "everybody loves me rally" for 30 seconds I have to wear sunglasses with all those pasty white trailer dwellers in the crowd.

President Trump is a very, very bad man! He incites hatred, division, anger amongt our people. He loves it! He loves starting trouble.! The man is absolutely horrible and the crowds that cheer this rotten guy on, should be ashamed of themselves. He belongs in the gutter and the crowd who cheers him, belong down in the gutter with him!

History does repeat itself. Anyone, here, old enough to remember HUAC -- the infamous 'House Committee on Un-American Activities?' Remember Senator Joseph McCarthy and his insanity? His attorney was Roy Cohn ... who later was Trump's attorney and mentor ... Cohn taught Trump his "technique" for rabid, juvenile name-calling and intimidation. Study your history, people. We're not headed forward ... we're headed backward.

Trump is the biggest Prevaricator in American history. Kavanaugh was as guilty as Trump. He gets to sit on the highest Court without the confidence of the majority of the American people.

the president of the good old USA - classless and petty!

I counted 14 red hats and 9 teeth in the entire hired for pay crowd. .