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Tommy Two Times

10/09/18 3:21 PM

#19186 RE: Salutoslire #19185

That bull market in stocks is about to come to an end. The bond market is already showing signs of popping. If people think 2008 was bad, wait till that bond market is destroyed. Think of all the underfunded pension funds that depend on a rising stock market. If you are planning on your pension being there for you, you are in for a shock. When bonds really start to sell off, wait till the 30 year mortgage hits 6 and 7%. There will be very few home buyers. And people wonder why I was in a hurry to get this company going and showed little patience. I'm sure JN has a plan. Just like he had a plan once the settlement was completed two years ago.


10/09/18 6:11 PM

#19188 RE: Salutoslire #19185

Yea… LOL...more like "shareholders will love to hate us."

I can imagine those meetings at LEEP HQ, "Our strategy for success is to keep quiet and avoid updates or any use of social media during the longest bull market in U.S. history. Shareholders will love us."