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10/09/18 6:04 AM

#71751 RE: Echo115 #71750

ECHO: It has at some point been noted that FLPC 'SOLD' some Ore, but I cannot find anything about the sale or how much was paid. All existing Filings state that there has been no Revenue input, so if they sold stuff, there must be a record of the transaction. My guess is that it is on the 2014/15 Filings (not available) as the transaction was in 2013, I think?

Don't forget that Willy Voaden set up a Website asking for Sponsor's for Fencemaker. Fair enough, but it proved two things; 1. FLPC doesn't have sufficient funds to start it on their own. 2. All those involved with REAL Mining are already well aware that Fencemaker at this stage, is not viable for the reason you, me. et al, already know. It's a pity really, because all those Invested were lead to believe that FM would have enough Antimony Ore to make it worth their Punt. This was early on, hence people put lots of money in to FLPC.

In the early days, Stockpile would have known the approximate yield per tonne, but that has been blown out of all proportion by FLPC in order to Capitalise on the Mine, yet do nothing except hype it up and continue to do nothing except pretend. It is very likely they spent all the Investor's money on 'frivolous activity', (as did PPA) with nothing to show for it except the current level of debt. YES, I DO empathise with the few remaining shareholder's as I know what it's like to be shafted by greedy CEO's. I am currently going through it now where my share price was, in your currency c. 9c, now 0.0025. It's not the shareholder's fault, we just believe what we are sold. Better off trading Bitcoin?