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10/04/18 8:46 AM

#193652 RE: price_and_volume #193650

The only reason I can see is that it rids company of historical poor dealings.
The name clarifies vision of company. As to moving price, name alone will likely not do that.
Move to Colorado on its own also not really a game changer. Perhaps it may be helpful as it pertains to taxes and various company expenses affecting bottom line down the road, but short term and share price game changer, not on its own a significant stimulus for the stock price.

However, there are contingencies of the above events...First, hang up with Delaware SOS has been the reported cause (read: excuse) for inability to complete audit (which has not been mentioned in any appreciable fashion since announcement of non-completion) and also, Delaware debt is reported reason (again: excuse) that share reduction did not reflect in last financial reports as had been promised since announcement circa 4July2018.

This makes the value of these events somewhat more relevant. Not that there is any independent stimulus to share price. But if (and with ONCI there are always a lot of hypothetical big ifs) the Delaware SOS issue is resolved and move/name change is completed, then there will be no barrier to completion of audit and fulfillment of promised share reduction. Both events will theoretically add value to currently held shares and future purchased investments.

Third party confirmation of all these revenues of the many deals which have not truly been confirmed will go a long way to restore and further build investor confidence in this company.
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10/04/18 8:59 AM

#193654 RE: price_and_volume #193650

Primarily, the name change reflects the business better, breaks the chains of the past, and allows the company to begin public advertising using the correct (new) name. It would not make sense to put out ads under the name ONCI, then change the company name...
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10/04/18 10:53 AM

#193665 RE: price_and_volume #193650

Mostly because it will be something promised and delivered.

Along with share reduction.

Foundation for the eventual six legs of the company - Hexagon Holdings.

The CEO has touted the above as the plan for some time.

Delivering even 1 will improve sentiment. In my opinion more so than the math itself regarding the reduction of shares.

Young business. Ceo has fumbled on delivering not what was expected but what he laid out in black and white.

The SP is being held on life support by the fact that he is generating revenue with some big dealerships. Many catalysts hanging in the balance.

Slowly but surely moving towards completing the cogosense acquisition. Taking long than expected but is happening.

Debt repayment and funding operations using shares instead of cash or credit facility was a pain pount as well.

So at this price not much down side but potential for major upside.