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10/02/18 8:47 AM

#1013 RE: Tower of Hanoi #1012

I think its even less than that now, the company has bought back shares in two different times this year, they are still in the second round I believe.

Let me check out today for sure. They haven't released an 8K saying how many they bought since the last announcement, sorry had some friends come in last night from out of town just got up.

Up to late last night playing pool and having one to many cocktails, should have stuck with the left handed cigarettes. Let me get come coffee in me and will check that out.

Peace out.
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10/02/18 9:21 AM

#1014 RE: Tower of Hanoi #1012

Yes that sounds about right ToH to a point, as of May they had boght back like 3.4-4 million shares which is included in that 19.2 number, but, they are still in buy back mode. And since May they have not released another 8K to say how many they have gotten in the past 4 months.

There was an order 93K or something that was a GTC just sat there, and got filled maybe a week ago, I believe that was the company buying them off the open market, my reasoning is I have been building my position for 3 years now, buying selling and accumulating a sack near 700K now, the last 8 months have been the hardest and I have never seen GTC block orders before of that size, with the revenue issues they had with the NUG govt, screwed things up a bit and until they sorted it out.

I have just been putting in AON orders at the lows only getting a fill once in a blue moon. This next 10Q will be telling, and if they add another acquisition this fall like last that will be a very positive thing as you can imagine.

Lat year also the PA headache ended finally and they got a new 2.5 million credit facility and have sustained a $2 mil or so in cash.

It's just a guessing game now, company does not PR that much but, is 100% professional and has plans. Why buy back the stock? Something is up, its just a matter of what. I will continue to try and add cheap .07-8 whenever possible and just wait.

Sorry if post a little garbled, still haven't woken up yet.

Peace out.