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10/30/06 12:45 PM

#5951 RE: HALF FULL GLASS #5950

Exactly what phony posts are you talking about? Are you not curious as to why BOCX keeps using spamsters to hype their stock? To me it seems that they are doing themselves more harm than good. The only people that would buy from the spam promos are traders trying to catch the up swing for a quick profit. If their technology is legit, and I believe that it is, why do they need to keep using these paid pumpers?
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Gold Seeker

10/30/06 12:52 PM

#5952 RE: HALF FULL GLASS #5950

"I think Goldseeker is giving some bad advice on how to run a company."

So do you think that paying small cap for their services is worth a million shares and $25,000 also? How about the pump on the newsletter for another $25,000? How many other posters here feel that is a good deal for bocx?

"I notice that Goldseeker is the source of a lot of negative posts. It makes you wonder. I would guess that Goldseeker is behind the fake posts as well as arranging the pump and dump info on this board."

I am not behind any fake posts and am not into any pump and dump. I only post things as I see them. What else can anyone post on here in regards to opinions. You post quite a few news articles and I appreciate that.

"There is "some" good information from Goldseeker but why not just state the facts without puting in all the what if the sky is falling stuff?"

Because I have invested for a long time, I have seen the sky fall on a stock. If you don't think it can here, beware. All it would take is for Abbott to say good bye. Now, don't get me wrong. Right now I am positive on this issue and I do not think Abbott is going to return it. The colorimetery test is a huge step forward and we just found that out for a fact a few days ago. Bocxman said they had it several months ago but am I supposed to just take his word on that? Yes, now I agree, he is correct with the official release.

Abbott is not the only pitfall that could happen. It does not appear that Moro is that great of a businessman and belongs more in a lab than running the company. Bocxman even states that. When you are investing in a company, you are investing in management. They can take a good product and ruin it or they can an average product and be a success.

This is just pure risk assessment. Every investor should look at all sides of an investment and not just fall in love with the product and put blinders on yelling full speed ahead. If not, you set yourself up for a greater chance of losing than you should.

With the news we just had, this stock should be back above a dollar. What happened? You tell me.