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09/28/18 10:49 PM

#49 RE: kayakbob223 #48

Interesting. Quick search reveals a lot of promos for it. Digging a little deeper I found this quote:

There are some downsides. Zinc batteries can’t store as much energy as lithium, and they wear down after only a few charge.

Digging a little deeper, it appears you have to add zinc like fuel to keep it going. Sounds messy.

Furthermore, as seen here with NanoOne, we can see that that new lithium battery technologies take a long time to come to market.

I can see some of this zinc, and zinc slurry used for cheap use but my gut goes to lithium as a more superior element for high-powered EVs and ESS.

The next steps in lithium batteries will be a move to solid state and NanoOne can improve the speed and economics of that as well.