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09/28/18 4:34 PM

#100 RE: Mr Cute #99

Mr Cute....I feel you will be very pleased if you don't need to use your investment $$$ for critical monthly expenditures. The same thing every financial adviser will tell you so you can make 10% and they get a commission. A little fun money invested in a possible "high flyer" with a 10+ bagger capability in the near future can be a huge financial experience. Please Watch the video supplied be Jake this morning and see what you think. That is the solid stuff about the company which is why I and a few others are now here in the past week....'build it and they will come". Great line but I feel it absolutely fits this company to a T. Good luck to you. Hang if you can.


09/28/18 5:56 PM

#101 RE: Mr Cute #99

Mr Cute...not sure what prompted you to purchase 10k shares of a new IPO and be totally disillusioned after less that 2 weeks but I'm sure there are many others that purchased shares over .80 that feel the same way as you do. My first small purchase was $.89 and have averaged down, but I feel many have sold in fear that they made the wrong choice that it's not moving or it's going backwards (like the 3 days buyers remorse with buying a new car). That is fueling some of the downward pressure (and you are feeling it). It takes some fortitude and commitment to be true to your investment to allow it to flourish. This is not Apple. This is an Apple SEED for $ .44 cents a share with awesome credentials. Watch it grow.


07/10/19 7:06 PM

#203 RE: Mr Cute #99

just running through all of the by one from the last 9 months to garner a feeling of the sentiment for the company as it has unfolded from infancy until today. Felt your pain through every word. Still under water myself with 26k at .63 and happy to be here. see your post below.
'Thank you for the educated guess. I am holding 10,000 shares but my average is $0.80! Not feeling too good about it… I understand it’s just the beginning, so willing to wait.'

The forward progress has just begun. GREEN SOON? possibly...:)

feeling any better and more confident these days Mr Cute? I think we GOT IT RIGHT with this one. Bruce Linton is key. gltu and the Martello longs