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09/27/18 3:07 PM

#274792 RE: Nkerimi #274789

Yeah and Netflix spends $4 billion for licensing movies/shows and $4 billion for original productions. That’s per year.

Heck, HHSE couldn’t even pay a photographer $1k without being sued.


09/27/18 3:09 PM

#274793 RE: Nkerimi #274789

MYFLIX will have thousands more movies than Netflix. World's second largest, I believe. I can't seem to find anything good on Netflix anymore. I'm not into watching anything that has seasons or episodes associated with it. I prefer watching a movie that I'm done with in 2 hours, no ongoing episodes to commit to. Blockbuster and Superhero movies have gotten boring. Same formula over and over. remakes, re-boots and sequels.