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09/26/18 2:14 PM

#63252 RE: henery8th #63250

It you watch the completely meaningless vwap number you won’t notice the plummeting stock price. Remember it’s good when the vplm stock goes down so focus on the vwap.


09/26/18 2:20 PM

#63255 RE: henery8th #63250

That number does not take into account the billions of shares being issued which is the most powerful force working against this stock... along with the lack of substantive news


09/26/18 2:30 PM

#63257 RE: henery8th #63250

VWAP gives you the true market, where the shares, on a weighted average, have traded. Is that # for VPLM moving up? Yes. Are VPLM shares just being turned over, 25% up, or are they being held? The best way is to go through it in your mind and get a feeling for it!

VWAP just gives an overall feel for where things transpired. The high/low/close are very limited in scope and can be very deceptive. Just my view.