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09/26/18 4:12 PM

#45392 RE: Myrka #45391

One can only presume it was the demand of the client. Probably Temple's condition of doing the testing was that they get to write it up as a science paper; and QSEP probably brokered the process and had access to the data, but were forbidden from Saudi Aramco from mentioning it.

Frankly this to me is ironically a strong sign of a legit company.... if it was a penny stock pump, then they would be blasting out this news through all the newsletters and the momentum monkeys would be blabbering around it all day.

To me this is fairly intense. Obviously the Saudis are going to be in line to see the device working. Once they confirm it does, they will want one to test. And then... who knows, maybe they'll want the whole company. hahaha. Good luck out there!!!


09/29/18 6:49 PM

#45393 RE: Myrka #45391

Hey Myrka, good to hear from you and know you are still around. Imo I think QSEP very much want to not induce any hype or promotion anymore, they want the company's actions and progress to speak for itself. That's a positive imo. Tao has been known to say things (due to his profound knowledge of the technology) that are more bullish on the technology or say more than the company would in a similar circumstance. So, it would not surprise me that QSEP itself has asked Tao not to mention the company by name without their permission. AOT is obviously allowed. The difference imo is Tao or Temple is not a public company nor regulated by the markets, so he is not subject to the same restrictions regarding public disclosure. So, in essence he can or could say a lot more than the company might want to disclose at any given time about material info about QSEP's activities.

I think this is another one of those instances, where the public has now found out about something significant about the company without the company itself disclosing it. The Saudi's testing oil with QSEP is not an insignificant development for shareholders, but not significant for the science community. Yet shareholders are not hearing about this from the company, but found out about it in a research paper. Why is that? One would think if QSEP was trying to raise awareness or investment that they would have said something about this and done a PR or at the very least include it in a shareholder update or put it in the Q (it's not very material so they would not be required to put it in the Q). Yet they have not. Why is that? Surely they want shareholders to know? Imo QSEP are being a lot more conservative than they could be, which is nothing but good for shareholders. If something material is developing, we will hear about it. But there is certainly more going on at QSEP than they tell us. That's a good thing, as shareholders we want them making progress even if we don't hear about it right away. That's the takeaway from this new bit of info about Saudi Aramco. I guess this speaks to Alkaline's point. Anyway, that's my take.