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09/24/18 11:57 PM

#145948 RE: andrewflying #145947

It's an exact match IMO. :-)

They were planning to grow 186 MT of White shrimp in the next 8 months. Roughly 2 month cycles. But they were just starting with this and it is mostly research.

They also grow fingerling fish at AF4. Which have very short cycles. Perhaps 2 weeks. Short cycles are good for cash flow. They don't weigh much. Kind of like the baby shrimp they sell from AF3.

I think we also learned that they grow fish broodstock in some of the larger tanks in building 2 at AF4. Which were also lost due to the power outage.

Apparently the ponds at AF4 survived this year. It should be 2G ODRAS now.

Keep in mind that a storm like this benefits us. The local shrimp farmers have been struggling for years. And it's not getting any better this year. Wildly fluctuating temperatures due to heavy rainfall will kill shrimp. A dead bird in the pond will cause disease and kill shrimp. And they already have a lot of disease to cope with. They simply can't make money. They will either have to lease their land to TRW or join cooperatives and convert to ODRAS. This storm, believe it or not, passed through all 3 shrimp regions in China. Guangdong, Yangjiang and Zhanjiang. So we could see higher shrimp prices as well in the coming 6 months. When you sell 1,000 MT of shrimp every quarter you will quickly earn that $1M back.


09/25/18 2:44 AM

#145950 RE: andrewflying #145947

It's not relevant to Siaf shareholders.
Either made up or not entitled to cash flow business.
This is a scam and only thing relevant is that this typhoon will be used as an excuse to not to pay dividend and continue dilution.
Siaf shareholders do not own any business except printing and selling their own shares.
This is just their stories trýing to act believable soon becomes the part when they dilute more.
If they had these mt's of harvests you would have gotten share value raise and not a dilution based death spiral of the share price.
It is just misleading to talk about these nonsense fantasy metric tons of whatever that have not materialized in any way for Siaf shareholders.