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10/29/06 7:17 PM

#27703 RE: moneybound24 #27702

I wish that some real data or reasonably accurate deta were available that investors or prospective investors could analyze at that might temper their reactions such as a balance sheet or how much money they have tied up in their respective projects and/or a reasonable estimate of what SAY IT IN RUSSIAN will yield. But if I were running the company, I dont think I would want to release such data as It might compromise negotiations if the cost were known. I believe the stock was hyped up when it was at 95 dollars and I believe it is hyped down at 18 cents. Had there been no hype either way it might be selling for, say, $3.00 (your guess is as good as mine). I remember there were a few people who seemed to know a fair amount about this business and were appeared to have been driven off by the abuses and attacks that seemed almost personal by some of the more rabid boardmembers. We could have perhaps learned some insights into the business from them. I also think that Ken and James have learned their lession about trying to keep us updated on minor issues, because no matter what they would release, it would be bashed. Obviously they have to release some information as part of their fiduciary duty to shareholders.

As for some of the fraudulent price pumping attempts. I dont know how to react to this. Most business poeple are not as unscrupulous as suspected. The average person gets a distorted view of this because of the media attention of a handful of wrong-doers. Further, Ken, as a lawyer would be disbarred if he were caught doing such a scam as you mentioned It could ruin his reputation and career.