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09/23/18 7:48 AM

#242471 RE: cybermich #242464

“Imo when we finally see the PR announcing a partnership.. all of the seen and unseen "action" made by this company's management will have been validated. “

Same thing was said for Nasdaq uplisting PR that never came.
Same thing was said for B-ABSSI SPA, early approval PR, huge buyout like Cubist that never came.
Same thing was said for partnership PR since 204-15-16-17 that never came.
Same thing was said for B MTA with JnJ that did not go anywhere.

Leo is like a child that starts many games and moves to next game while keeping all the stuff from previous games scattered on the ground and no one knows what to do.

Many companies that completed their P2b around B-ABSSI already completed their P3 and some got approvals already.

So don’t be sure that Leo can do something better than that. I have lost a lot of money on this and will need to book large losses this year so praying that Leo does something better than that (non childish and something professional) so that I can recover at least some money. You may like to do the same.


09/23/18 12:10 PM

#242494 RE: cybermich #242464

...yes, quite familiar with 'deals' and what's required.

Certainly hopeful for the future with IPIX.

I'm a long as well, with a not insignificant investment tied up in the science, and I too and a believer in what's to come. But as a Business Developer, there are things that don't quite make sense with respect to what's happening based on the info they put out there to the public. I'm hoping there's a PR-disconnect between what we're 'hearing' and what's actually happening.

You said "we're seeing very little action"

Do you know how much "action" it requires to navigate 7 successful trials, 20 CDAs which culminated into a Term Sheet from a Global Big Pharma?

Imo that requires a helluva lot of "action"

Imo when we finally see the PR announcing a partnership.. all of the seen and unseen "action" made by this company's management will have been validated.

Until then there will be folks on this board spreading doubt.

I personally can't see the future but my money is on IPIX.. I don't believe we have come this far for nothing.

Leo bailed out this company once.. if we had failed trials and no BP interest and or a lot of debt that would be a different story.

Good luck to all longs.