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09/21/18 12:39 AM

#27439 RE: canncan #27433

He will key in just about anything at this point, and he keeps going back to Mona because he's running out of ammo. Mona paid his penalty, and is no longer in charge of CVSI, no matter what story line I Glow spews...M


09/21/18 12:55 AM

#27443 RE: canncan #27433

I sense a pitiful paycheck for work that barely pays the bills. So repetitive the accusations with no idea how powerful the branding is and will soon jump to major stores with hemp a USA ag crop. Investors care about the company making real money with real growth and sanctions on mistakes have already been applied. Still patent pending no matter how many times it is said that way back in Dec 2017 that the patent has been finally rejected. Why pick Aug 2018 to bring that up? Because it was just something to pick on and make waves about after shorts ran up the price. Soon Nasdaq capital and volume will out duel the short with fantasy fraud tweets. Just love CxON don't you all being called $3.5 stock on CNBC 3 weeks ago. Just a matter of time of going to the big leagues and IG staying on the OTC trying to make rent.