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09/19/18 12:06 PM

#46284 RE: SAMNOTSAMUEL #46282

Maxed out? You really think eligable shareholders are going to be shelling out hundreds of thousands of more dollars? If you increase your current position 4x and the price only holds at $3.00 that is still 4x more money you would have if you did nothing. But, once you lock into the offering you have to wait approx 15 business days after offering ends until the new shares are in your account. Another words if you are long would you rather have 1000 shares or 4000? If you want to cash out and exit that's another story.


09/19/18 12:15 PM

#46285 RE: SAMNOTSAMUEL #46282

Other words what would look better in your account
1000 shares at $3.00 or 4000 shares at $3.00
Fir anyone long is the smart move. But it will be a long 15 business days of waiting new shares to be deposited.