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09/18/18 4:13 PM

#45907 RE: StevenRisk #45904

I suspect the building is leased as I have no other documentation that this is otherwise not the case. I can see in many businesses where this would be like leaving money behind, but in our business the equipment is mobile and the major asset here. Likely $1 Million if not more in equipment that will all fit on one big truck.

Location/location/location I personally think MA is a good move. Only 4 labs total in MA so EVIO needs to take advantage and try and soak up 25% of the market share.

MRX is combining with the other Portland lab in which the previous lab is moving to MRX (EVIO owned building) In this case EVIO purchase property along with a client list that is worth $1M in revenue per year... also a good move.

I will add that I think Yuba was a utter total waste of money and I agree that was a bad move. Yuba 'merged' with another they they purchased but at the end of the day they probably made out with some low dollar test equipment and nothing else.

So 2/3 lab 'moves' are good the other one was a swing and a huge miss.

As for the annual meeting I would agree that is the 64k question. I would argue that they did have one last year but had it early. I am unsure when this meeting will be but any company (albeit private) I've worked for has annual meetings once the books have been closed for the year or at least there is nothing open that would majorly effect all of the fancy pie charts they like to show. In EVIO's case the 10-k is due by 12/31.... so IMHO it could be a few months out which is quite an annoyance.