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Elmer Phud

09/13/03 10:37 PM

#13172 RE: blauboad #13171

blauboad -

that summed up my rationale for investing in AMD, the stock was still trading at pretty much the same level that it had when it looked like AMD couldn't manufacture an SOI paperweight, but by then (last month) it was clear that everything was on track and benchmarks were looking good.

Yes benchmarks look good but it is not at all clear Opteron is manufacturable. Benchmarks and product introductions don't prove anything. I guess it depends on what "track" you think AMD is on but I don't see any evidence at this time to say "everything is on track".

Can you honestly tell me that AMDs situation doesn't look a whole lot better than it did a year ago, both in its technology and its financial situations going forward?

AMD is still losing money hand over fist and there is no meaningful volume of Opteron or A64. Without volume there is no hope of profitability. I'm still an AMD investor but I'm not kidding myself into thinking everything is on track.