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Replies to #186 on Shell Hijackings


09/17/18 10:30 PM

#187 RE: janice shell #186

But,but,but....I heard it's going To Da Moon!


09/17/18 10:46 PM

#188 RE: janice shell #186

there are too many variables to conclude the investors are at fault. People don't know managements [bad] intentions, planned to move the stock before SEC stepped in, or genuinely want to improve the company from the ground up starting with a stake in the company only having the SEC take a dump on their aspirations. Or they intended to swing trade it and it was just their bad luck. Hundreds of reasons. It's thievery. It's an unaccountable system that's in place. The better alternative is being traded for laziness, unaccountability, and peoples accounts. I can keep going but will get off my soap box now.