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09/16/18 6:53 AM

#289130 RE: fuagf #289129

i think the evidence you are citing is not evidence. it's BS. who cares that it would have taken too many to keep this a secret.

the fact is, the evidence is right in front for all to see.

if i accept the official government explanation for matters,...thats like believing we are the only planet with life on it and there is no extraterrestrial activity visiting this planet. based on what ?,...our governments official statement on the subject.

the fact is the evidence is right in front for all to see.

i'll leave it at that.

make it a good day !


The mind is like a parachute. It functions best when open.


09/16/18 11:32 AM

#289154 RE: fuagf #289129

Thanks for dropping any more chat on it here, unless something extra-ordinarily new comes up then we could consider that.

I'd appreciate that as well.


09/16/18 1:45 PM

#289160 RE: fuagf #289129

i think the evidence is stacked against you on this one. Plus, what Matrix999 said makes
sense too.

Not to start up the whole 9-11 debate again but Mark (F6) was a "9-11 Truther"

woofer -- the evidence speaks for itself (eom)