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09/16/18 10:46 AM

#23886 RE: gimlo #23882

Well if you take a step back for a minute... we have had photos from India, NY, Jamaica/CCSA, Half Moon Bay, Korea and a press release all in the last month or two. We get posts from ImpactPPA every week if not more often. Dan stopped on the board as well.

Compare that to other companies, oddly we actually have quite a bit compared to "we are selling meat and disney juice boxes in the middle east" type stuff.

I think we just let Dan try his best and for those so inclined bring things that help to the table. I do not blow up Dan's messages or call him unless he wants to talk about ideas/suggestions and asks first. There is nothing he can really say until the issue discussed in the official press release are closer to being resolved. He has his plan, has been open to suggestions/ideas/ different thoughts. He is responsive and working hard. I could not ask for more in a CEO.