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09/14/18 2:44 PM

#148623 RE: Bigjohn6500 #148621

I also love those gummy bears. Had to find a different product as those gummy bears taste too much like Jujyfruits candy lol

I now take the Meds Biotech CBD & Turmeric capsules 2x daily along with the Blackberry Flavor Diamond CBD Oil (550mg).

These products gave me my life back. I used to live almost exclusively in bed due to severe chronic lower back pain. Now I get out and enjoy doing things which for the past seven or so years was all but impossible. Still have to be careful of how I move and only lift things when necessary. Diamondcbd's products did not fix the damage in my back. It does get rid of the inflammation and, thus, the pain better than anything the medical world had tried. And I have an implant in my spine that is supposed to block pain signals to my brain using electrical amperage. It does work somewhat and cost $103,000. CBD oil puts that thing to shame! :0)

This is why I am such a strong supporter of POTN and's products.