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09/13/18 5:52 PM

#21416 RE: Rogue3 #21415

Im right there with ya...feeling optimistic for the long haul but right now its a bit baffling.


09/13/18 6:25 PM

#21418 RE: Rogue3 #21415

It’s certainly not going the way I thought it would. I’m thinking that until the major catalyst happens (the Farm Bill) then they are pushing this down to get the best price for themselves. I ain’t budging. I’m stubborn. We are just in a waiting period.


09/13/18 6:32 PM

#21419 RE: Rogue3 #21415

It’s not unusual for the OTC cannabis sector at all

There have been 3 widespread manias in the cannabis sector

Jan-Mar 2014

Sept-Nov 2016

Dec-Jan 2018

The weeks leading up to them were all just like this

People assume that because the manias were so large, that there must have been some type of anticipatory runup into them

But check the charts in Nov/Dec 2013, July/August 2016 and Oct/Nov 2017

And realize that all 3 previous manias were based around dated catalysts, and in spite of that certainty, there was still no real anticipatory runup — even if one wanted to make the argument that there was an anticipatory runup in 2016 because the mania preceded the catalyst itself, the mania literally erupted overnight with zero warmup, so there was no preheating effect — the MJ sector was completely dead in July and August 2016, especially during the last week of August, and on the very first trading day of September the mania sparked literally overnight




All 3 previous mania-inducing catalysts also enjoyed much more media coverage beforehand — many prospective investors were aware of Colorado’s Rec MJ sales launch, The 2016 Rec MJ State Elections and California’s Rec MJ sales launch well before they occurred

Federal Hemp & CBD Legalization has no definitive date and the prospect of Hemp & CBD Legalization has garnered very little national media attention prior to its occurrence — so if there wasn’t an anticipatory runup for the past 3 dated manias that experienced a fair amount of anticipatory media coverage, then why would there be one this time around, when there is no date certainty and very minimal anticipatory media coverage?



mux investor

09/13/18 10:18 PM

#21424 RE: Rogue3 #21415

Because the odds of an extension for the current Farm Bill is looking more likely at this point. Like I posted on another board Democrats and Senators have almost no reason to compromise with the House because in less than 2 months Democrats will take over the House and the House Farm Bill becomes irrelevant at that point. SNAP work requirements are the main contention that the Senate doesn’t really want to budge on, so why concede when they get what they want in a few months?? Hemp will be legalized but it may not be until next year.