Motown, When you restate a negative comment, your attempt at an explanation somewhat legitimizes it. Make an independent declarative statement that’s your own as much as possible.
In the case of ZN offering up 6 rounds of DSPPs just before, during, and currently with the MJ1 well scam angle, has nothing to do with "God's work", unless "HIM" is in the business of helping Brown, and his gang of insiders enrich themselves based on deceitful business practices.
The last 10Q shows a DSPP bringing in $5.9M. The first 10Q after spudding the well back in Jun 2017 shows $5.7M coming in. Let's round down, and doo the math: $5M/DSPP * 6 DSPPs for the MJ1 sage. That's $30M to drill one well. A vertical well drilling in the US costs approx $6M. So where did the other $24M go? Also any US oil company that needed $24M to drill an onshore dry hole wouldn't be in business for long. Guess the Tutes, and Hedgies just don't bank much on "faith".
Here's another thing one can have absolute faith in: During the ongoing MJ1 saga the O/S for the stock has increased approx 33%. Can you say stock dilution? That came from the DSPPs. Not to mention insider dumps. What happens when stock is diluted, and the result is no assets are added or accrued from the stock dilution?
In the meantime "HIM" has blessed ZN SHs with an SEC investigation, another dry hole, a fleeing ex-CEO, and another new DSPP to enrich insiders.
Another general thing to "believe"... if you really believe in a stock then keep buying it. Or in ZN's case the alternative of piling into a DSPP offering. Especially after it has lost 75% of its value in the last month. Then pray.