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09/13/18 12:06 PM

#41492 RE: tedro84 #41491

My original question was about CLQ $.39 and what was happening to it.
I would hardly consider it a short term price fluctuation going from $2.10-$.39 in less than a year.
But don’t worry bcomaha posted the information that I was wondering about. It has nothing to do with the scandium component

If you don’t want to answer the hard questions about CLQ while you are very comfortable about comparing CLQ with NB, Then don’t compare the two. It’s that simple. It has nothing to do with me being obsessed because I would never have even known about CLQ without people coming to this board to compare the two companies.


09/13/18 2:57 PM

#41498 RE: tedro84 #41491

Righto Matey. Like you,I have zero interest in charts. I also have zero interest in clean teq. You could talk until the cows come home and I would never ever invest in a company 20,000 miles away where I could not easily meet the owners, ceo and management.

I have flown to Denver and met with NioCorp management 3 times, flown to Nebraska twice and attended 2 town hall meetings and met and spoke with mark Smith twice and met his lovely wife and also sat at the table and hob nobbed with farmers and locals discussing NioCorp.

I have made a 6th trip and visited Elk Creek and net and shared beer and conversation at the local Elk Creek Tavern.

I am not getting on a plane to Australia and if I do, it will be to enjoy sightseeing or the beaches and enjoy a vacation there.

I am confident Mark Smith and Team will get financing. Its has always been a matter of time not a matter of can they get financing.

I never questioned the fundamentals of the Elk Creek project. The reserves have been tested and proven decades before Mark Smith joined the company.

Mark Smith has run large mining companies before and raised much more than 1 billion dollars before.

His partnership with IBC though it doesn't make him money now is a future place holder for manufacturing alloyed parts. Largo may be a play to integrate that company in to a trifacta including NioCorp, Largo and IBC. Mark is exceptionally intelligent, well connected and experienced.

One of best friends just owner of a multimillion dollar company. He is also exceptionally intelligent, well connected and experienced like Mark. Through that friendship I have learned to spot traits in top performing CEO/Owners that are a blueprint for success and running a successful and profitable company.

I have seen my fiend trajectoru of success and have concluded that these things just take time. And sometimes you have to wait. Just because we dont hear what Mark is doing daily doesn't mean he doesn't have assurances from financiers or even timetables.

Unfortunately, pulling this all together takes time and things have to be done in sequence with other things, other people, other events.

It all has to come together in financing in parts but the other parts of financing have to also be lined up so that the first tier of financiers know that others lined up.

He could put an entire package together or a package in parts but he needs to line up all the players so they work together or in sequence.

People who have no patience also have no experience putting a company together. If they did, they would know this TAKES TIME. Could happen tomorrow, could all happen next week or even next year.

Of course we all would like it to happen NOW but life's not like that. Financing will happen when it happens. Which is not that different from what Mark said at the town hall meeting.