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09/11/18 5:54 PM

#68006 RE: endlich0 #68003

I am not sure when he came i could look it up. Basicley we the share holders would like to go back in time . Till before he came and got involved before Greenwood before the shares were converted before Ron was kicked out. That just seams the right place to go back to . That is me talking and what i read in the Demand letter. With the SEC also after him for criminal activity. They only want what is best for the share holders , and a time before he came with all his BS and getting the company away from Ron and the share holders is what we are trying to do. Also trying to get back the money that is rightfully ours. They have settled with lots of companys. No one at this point has gone all the way in court. The patents are so strong not one company has not settled . So there are lots of them to still go after.