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09/02/18 6:20 PM

#123507 RE: Garpeters #123505

LMFAO!!! Lawsuits = ILLEGAL????

(Nonsense in it's greatest form)

Yup, Breach of Contract, Torts, Non Payment of Rent, Non Payment of Credit Cards, etc, are all ILLEGAL because they are actionable lawsuits right????

However, Tax Evasion in the State of New York IS[/b] illegal:

In addition to criminal liability you might face for failing to file federal tax returns, the State of New York State can prosecute taxpayers who fail to fulfill their obligations under the law. In the event this happens to you, it’s important to get a lawyer who understands both systems of law, as well as the consequences an investigation and prosecution in one area can have on the other. The Blanch Law firm is comprised of criminal litigators who can navigate between both state and federal jurisdictions with confidence.
Tax Fraud in New York Explained:: New York Tax Law 1801 lays the groundwork for what is considered an act of tax fraud. It covers a large swath of behaviors deemed criminal, but essentially, if you are found to have willfully acted in one of the following ways, then you could be convicted of tax fraud:
- Failure to make or file any required report or return;
- File a tax or other document that you know contains materially false or fraudulent information;
- Supply materially false or fraudulent information or fail to timely supply correct information;
- Engage in a scheme to defraud the State of New York by false representations as to any material related to tax;
- Failure to remit taxes collected on the State’s behalf;
- Failure to collect certain taxes like sales tax;
- Intentionally evade any tax or fail to pay it; or
- Issue a fraudulent exemption certificate or other documents which show that taxes do not apply to a particular transaction.

Since no documentation of Viva in NY can be found, they are evading TAXES there right?


09/04/18 9:39 AM

#123535 RE: Garpeters #123505

No bid next here unreal