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09/01/18 7:05 PM

#85380 RE: Snapehead #85377

Agreed. Launching a promo campaign before taking care of basic business issues smells very bad.


09/02/18 2:02 PM

#85447 RE: Snapehead #85377

Tell that to Mr. Linton and Mr. Santulan

Shareholders need to be emailing and tweeting and placing calls to Mr. Linton and Mr. Santulan letting them know this. We know Mr. Linton and his cohort Mr. Strickland are not reputable characters but perhaps Mr. Santulan will realize certain things need to be done to advance this ticker. They also need to be registered with the SEC so they can release an 8-K with financial details of the merger which was completed over 7 weeks ago. And we might have to wait another 7? Long time for this to drag on.



Are they planning on putting anything on paper I’m not a Basher actually hold almost 20mill but they need to start filings and working on getting current that should of been first then all the interviews and PR I think they are moving backwards they need to follow through on some big things in regards to filings or this will just spin tires and sit there